Mobile platforms for VR Video

Mobile platforms for VR Video

More and more online platforms are Virtual Reality ready. The use of the best known brands seems obvious, but are they really the best choice? We have compared three different VR platforms for you. Really, yet another app? Apart from all individual Virtual Reality...
How to create awesome 360° photos and videos

How to create awesome 360° photos and videos

The way people can create digital memories and tell stories is evolving. How? In this blogpost we show you different ways to re-experience your holiday, party or any other valuable moments of your life, any time, any place. Or, if you are a business, how you can tell...
Are you VReady? Mobiele VR: 58% vs “Immobiele VR”: 1%

Are you VReady? Mobiele VR: 58% vs “Immobiele VR”: 1%

Bloomberg publiceerde op de valreep van 2015 een artikel over het beperkte aantal computers dat wereldwijd al klaar is voor Virtual Reality: 13 miljoen pc’s (minder dan 1 procent). Wij deden zelf ook onderzoek naar de toegankelijkheid van Virtual Reality, gemeten aan... update: Share and embed VR “Bubbles” update: Share and embed VR “Bubbles”

We proudly present to you our latest update on With this unique update – no other VR platform supports this feature yet –, users can now easily share and embed a single VR content item, which we call a “Bubble”. This “Bubble” is a specific URL which directly...
The VR paradox

The VR paradox

The VR Paradox Why 360° video is both a problem and necessity for the success Virtual Reality. Every time a new technology is introduced two things happen: people try to describe it with existing terminology and they will try to use it for existing things. It’s an...
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