5 Non-Gaming Areas In Which Virtual Reality Will Change the World As We Know It Source: VRTalk

What made the iPhone the clear early leader within the smartphone market? Killer applications which set the competition back months, if not years. With the virtual reality space in its early days, it will be up to more than just gaming to really make the industry the multi-billion dollar giant that most analysts predict. Below are five niches that will likely take virtual reality well into the mainstream.

VR Films/Experiences
While gaming right now is the clear driver of the space, the experience and film industry for virtual reality is just beginning to take off. With Steven Spielberg reportedly working on a experience himself and hundreds of millions of dollars already invested into startups in this. Read more >

VR On-the-job Training
You may have seen games such as Job Simulator, or Surgeon Simulator where a player is able to pretty much take on new job in VR. If you play the game enough you can become quite a good burger flipper. Now consider the implications of how VR could be used in more complicated jobs and careers. Training doctors to perform complex surgery, scientists to perform dangerous experiments, and mechanics to fix that stubborn transmission, are all possibility for virtual reality.

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VR Education
Just like the category above, VR Education will become a huge industry in and of itself. We will likely see the mass adoption of VR headsets in colleges and University across the globe over the next 5-10 years and even elementary and high school students may receive lessons in a virtual environment.

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VR Meetings
There are already VR applications such asAltspace, which allow users to congregate with others in a virtual environment It doesn’t matter if you are in the same room or on another continent, the power of virtual reality will bring us all together even closer.

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VR Psychology
Virtual reality is already becoming a powerful psychological tool in that it allows us to experience many things; our fears, our hopes, our dreams, all without leaving the comfort of our own home or doctors office.

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